Wednesday 4 November 2009 @ 22:45

Cartoon KAT-TUN 4.11.09 Epi 134

OMG, it airs 1 hour late~!

Anyway, no Jin. A lot of other people came though, haha.. Today's a special.

First guest brings stuff that would beautify your bath and yourself. Golden basin and.. shower head that can light up things..?! Hmm..... -_-" XD

I like Koki. ♥ XD

2nd guest teaches some funny lines to say to girls, haha! XD Ueda and Koki do them perfectly! XD

Kame's recommendation of kitchen helper are all very good!! HAHA! I like the one that can slice potatoes very thinly. Then put them in a special container and then put it into the microwave oven and heat it for a few minutes. Then take them out and put some salt and they will taste and feel just like the Calbee that we buy off the shelves! NO OIL though!! I want!! XD Then he also shows a can opener that moves one round by itself and sticks the can's cover by magnet!

Ueda talks about what actions that girls do are cute~~~ Look at all those dirty men here, haha!!

Taguchi shows what Juggling is all about! LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!! XD

Kame is so funny~~~~~ ♥ His hair is so pretty!!

Next week is part 2, gonna be even more funny!! XD

Tune in next week! If I remember, haha! XD

Good night!!!!!!!!! ♥

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