Thursday, 25 September 2014 @ 18:30

Nishikido Ryo Jweb ♥ 25.9.2014 ♥ 関ジャニ戦隊∞レンジャー錦戸亮


Ima kara arubamu reko—dingu ssu
Picchi no ii boku de iraremasu youni..


Good evening.
It's album recording from here on
Gonna work hard
Hope that I can remain pitch-perfect..

∞(エイト)レンジャー 錦戸亮 25.9.14 1939h

*throws confetti* Ryo used an emoticon!! XD

Any time he uses an exclamation mark or emoticon, I'll be super happy! He doesn't use emoji though ">.> The day he does, we have to, I dunno, throw more confetti? LOL! XD

Ohhhh.. Album recording?! Coooooooool!! I'm sure he can sing his best in there!! ♥

Wednesday, 24 September 2014 @ 23:30

Kato Shigeaki 加藤シゲアキ NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥142- 24.9.2014



"Please get along well"

That day. One of my best friends from secondary school, M-kun, called me.

"I have something to talk about..."

He said that in a low voice. He continued to say that he's nearby and whether I want to go for a meal, so I immediately went out because I was worried about him.

After meeting at the yakiniku restaurant, he seemed kind of mysterious.

"What's wrong?"


He took a breath.

"I'm married"

O, Oh.

No, no! Eh!?

He's somehow, a bit playful and was said to be the last to get married within our circle of friends.

But putting the surprise aside, he did have a girlfriend for a year and so it's not that incredible a fact that he's gotten married.

"But, didn't you say that you don't feel like getting married yet? What happened?"

"There's only one reason, isn't there?"

No way!


He nodded.

"I see, congrats!! But, you don't seem that happy...Is this a sad news?"


"How could that be! It's a happy news!"

He's suddenly full of smiles.

...Was he trying to surprise me...

"Weren't you worried!"

"But it's also kind of sad. This way, I'll have less time to have fun with everyone, unlike before. I also have to save money"

So it's like this! It's okay, don't worry! Eat all the meat you like today!

Friends around me are getting married recently. It's really a happy thing that my friends found their life partners and decided to live on together.

One of my fishing buddies held a wedding ceremony. It was like the rainy weather forecast was a lie, it was a sunny day that day.

Because of that, there was a surprise from the venue of the ceremony!

When the two of them swore their love, the ceiling of the church opened!

It's beautiful as the sunshine was like filtering through foliage.

Everyone released balloons into the sky.

It's so pretty that I cried unknowingly.

Happiness is born in this way.

Somehow, I was having a childish thought.

Please remain good friends forever, everyone.


I also want us in NEWS to be friends forever.

So, the harmonious NEWS' special programme "4x9" will be broadcasted on 6th of October.

As it's a variety show which forcefully do house searches, it's going to be a brand new kind of variety show as the 4 of us will be digging 9 weird people at the same time, live.

Of course, the excited us will be shown too.

Please absolutely watch it.


Of course, sensei! I'll watch it! It's such an interesting idea! LOL! Really, Japan is always so creative with their variety shows, haha!! XD

I don't think that our boys will be the ones visiting those people's homes, though. HAHA~ Coz it's live, and they're in the studios~~~~ Can't wait for the Monday after the next to come along!! XD

Remember, it's 6 October, NTV, 23:59~0:54 (JST)~! ♥♥♥♥

Thursday, 18 September 2014 @ 23:30

Nishikido Ryo Jweb ♥ 18.9.2014 ♥ 関ジャニ戦隊∞レンジャー錦戸亮


Gomenne Seishun no satsuei ganbattemasu!!
Minasan mo densha noru toki, mawari no kata no meiwaku ni naranai teido ni itsumo yori sukoshi ookime no koe de, ano dorama omoshirosou da na tte hanashitekudasai!


Good evening!
I'm working hard on the filming for Gomenne Seishun!!
Everyone, when you are on the train, please say, "That drama looks interesting" in a voice a little bit louder than usual but not loud enough to be disturbing others!

∞(エイト)レンジャー 錦戸亮 18.9.14 1804h

LOL! RYO!!!!!!!!! XD

He's so funny!!!!!!!!! XD

I'm sure that even if we don't do that, a lot of people will still be watching Gomenne Seishun!!!

Can't wait to watch it!! ♥

Wednesday, 17 September 2014 @ 23:30

Koyama Keiichiro 小山慶一郎 NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥141- 17.9.2014



I'm Koyama Keiichiro ^_^



When I go to the karaoke with my friends,
We will definitely sing it!!

The hand movements for the chorus are a bit messy though. Laughs

No matter how many times I teach them, my friends can't remember them (^^;;

Recently, what songs from NEWS do you know?
When this kind of topic comes up, most of them will say Chankapaana as the first answer— It indeed has a big impact.

I will treasure this song from now onwards too—(≧∇≦)

Let's have a beautiful love—


Awwww, leader~~~~! Yes, Chankapaana can be said as one of the most important songs in NEWS' history! It's the first song of 4-nin NEWS and its lyrics suggests that they have grown up properly. LOLOLOL XD

Sorry for the late translation! I was naively (wild goose-) chasing Tegoshi around our little island on Fri, Sat and Sun. It left me drained and depressed. LOL.. So, in the end, we didn't manage to see Tegoshi even though we spent Sunday's night in the airport. So, I think that sole source of Tegoshi-sighting was actually fake. Let's just leave it as that. LOL. Anyway, when Ryo-chan was here a few years ago, I didn't chase him, so I didn't get to see him, and I wasn't as depressed as I am now.. So, what I'm trying to say is.... I REALLY LOVE TEGOSHI A LOT. LOL.

Here are some pictures I found in Google and let's enjoy the Chankapaana PV for the 94554656745623453124th time! ♥♥♥♥

Sunday, 14 September 2014 @ 23:00

NEWS - Popolo October 2014 Translation



Yay! I finished translating just in time for NEWS 11th Anniversary!! XD Here you go!

If it's too small for you, please click on the picture to enlarge it!

Shige and Tegoshi......That last question.................. XD HAHA! I had fun translating it so I hope you enjoyed reading it as well! XD And leader.. x.X! I don't like a lot of Koyama's responses! Oopz! XD Tell me what you think! XD

If you want to repost this, please put the permalink of this post on wherever you're reposting it to. And please contact me first before doing it. Thank you very much! ♥

NEWS 11th Anniversary Celebration - Singapore Paanas



We had a hard time deciding what to do! We bowled during ShigeMassu's birthday bash (which I didn't blog about, sorry!), we ate pancakes during Koyama's birthday bash (which I also didn't blog about ;_;) and we also kicked a ball and painted during Tegoshi's birthday bash (which I also didn't write about, orz), so what else was left?! I suggested eating sushi since Koyama had such a hard time there during their reward holiday! XD Awww, poor leader!!

We all met up at Hei Sushi (by Sakae Sushi) in Bedok Point at 11:30am! I was late, sorry! However, our timings were so good that four of the members managed to meet up at the MRT station! Among us, was a girl who came all the way down from JB! Exciting to have more people joining us! The HSJ sisters joined us later~

Since it's an anniversary, it's like a birthday party, right?! So, I made some cookies for everyone yesterday!! XD

D-chan also prepared door gifts for us! A shop photo of NEWS for each of us!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I love this one, lol! Coz Tegoshi was laughing out super widely!! Yes, I like this kinda photos!! XD

What's this?! Instead of Jenga, which NEWS had in the sushi shop that they visited on their reward holiday in the NEWS 10th DVD, we had cards!!

We first started with playing the game! YT-chan was our game master and she made a deck of such cards! We played Janken and decided the order in which we could pick a card.........which contains a sushi name or a surprise!

Photo taken by D-chan

Photo taken by Z-chan

Photo taken by Z-chan

We picked three cards each in the end and had lots of fun! Thankz, YT-chan!

Actually, I picked Ebiko, but I'm allergic so YT-chan exchanged hers with mine! Arigatou!!

Corn Gunkan

Tamago Mayo Gunkan ♥️

After finishing the sushi that we picked, it's time to order whatever we like! XD

Unagi!! ♥️ Sorry for the blur photo! It's very far from me, lol! XD


Yanagawa Katsu

Cheese Katsu

It was a very enjoyable lunch! It's always fun to hang out with fellow Paanas! We chatted and laughed lots, haha~~ ♥️

Next, we walked back to Bedok Mall and went into Swenson's! The younger Paanas ordered a large ice-cream to share~! How in the world does a spicy-coconut-flavoured ice-cream taste like?! Lol! Q-chan told me that it's tingling but not very nice. Oopz, Swenson's!

We had lotsa fun chatting and laughing there as well! We bid each other farewell at around 4+pm! Thankz everyone for the wonderful lunch! Keeping the NEWS love strong! XD

Yessss, finally, after 5 months of keeping my うーちゃん in the plastic bag, I released it today for the special occasion! XD

I love NEWS forever!

Saturday, 13 September 2014 @ 10:47

Fishy NEWS

Thursday, 11 September 2014 @ 23:30

Nishikido Ryo Jweb ♥ 11.9.2014 ♥ 関ジャニ戦隊∞レンジャー錦戸亮


Kyou wa yatsu no tanjoubi da!!
Minna kokoro no naka de sotto omedetou wo itte yatte kure!!
Misoji da!!!
Soshite ore mo mou sugu da!!
Konna bunshou wo kaku misoji mo naka naka inai ze!!!
Benkyou suru ze!!
Dorama ganbaru ze!!!


Today is that guy's birthday!!
Please wish him a happy birthday gently in your heart!!
And soon, it's my turn!!
There's hardly anyone in their 30s who writes like me!!!
I'm gonna study!!
I'm gonna work hard for the drama!!!

∞(エイト)レンジャー 錦戸亮 11.9.14 1308h

Lol.. Once in a while, he will be crazy like this. TOO CUTE.


The Singapore Eighters will gather together again to celebrate both Yasu and Suba's birthdays! I don't know if I can go yet though, orz.. *sweats*

Actually, the Singapore Eighters gathered on 8th of August to celebrate Kanjani8's tenth anniversary!!

K8 even graduated from their label to establish their own label! That's amazing! I'm really proud of them!!