Tuesday 5 March 2013 @ 22:16

KAT-TUN MANUAL — Kamenashi Kazuya — 3.3.13

KAT-TUN MANUAL — 亀梨和也 Kamenashi Kazuya

Hello, today starts from morning!?, From night (laughs)

Carrying out the 33 missions of the movie "Ore Ore"

To a certain extent, however surreal it may be, I presented them quite naturally

I'm quite good at waking up

I hope it's okay

Then, Shuichi came to join in

I also have a mission in Going tonight, so please look forward to it

So now, I will go back to my missions



Samurai JAPAN won yesterday

Today, they are against the China team
Samurai JAPAN fight

So then, see you at night~

-- "Shuichi" is someone that I don't know.

-- "fight" was written in English.

I didn't know KAT-TUN MANUAL changed format and day of posting!! SORRY!! m(_ _)m

I'm glad it's on my birthday though! XD

Lately, a bit lost touch with KAT-TUN news! x.X!

As usual, the emoji spam king, our cute Kame. LOL~~ ♥

Okay, next Sunday will be Taguchi's turn, I hope he won't post ESSAY again! -_-" XD

See you!! ♥

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