Wednesday, 13 March 2013 @ 20:18

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥62- 増田貴久 Masuda Takahisa 13.3.2013



It's me!
How are you?

11th March marked two years since the earthquake.
It will still take some time for the reconstruction

For things that I can do now, it's to not forget and keep supporting them.

Eat stuff, buy stuff and tour the North East area.

I must keep supporting them even if it's by doing little things around me.

Let's support them with everyone's effort.

I watched Koyama's news.

I couldn't remember the golden-haired Koyama ( ̄Д ̄)ノ

His greeting was "Chuissu!..."

Now, he's become reliable-

The shiritori "Level up" from Koyama.

I have to say something, haven't I? ( ̄Д ̄)ノ





-- The meaning of "Puriketsu" can be seen here.

Okay, Massu. That's not very nice.


What was he thinking?! XD

Sorry, I was late! x.X!!


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