Konnichiwa. Minasan no okage de dai 12 kai Nikkan SUPOUTSU·DORAMA GURAN PURI no joen danyuu shou wo itadakimashita. Murakami-kun kara mo MEERU ga kite, omedetou. To iwaremashita. Kotoshi mo DORAMA ni detai desu. Ganbarimasu. Ninomiya-kun mo sugoi shou morattemashita ne. Kare wa tensai desu ne.
Boku mo ganbarimasu.
Good evening. Thanks to everyone, I received the 12th Best Supporting Male Actor award from the magazine Nikkan Sports·Drama Grand Prix. Murakami-kun sent me a mail, "congratulations". He said. This year, I wish to act in drama too. I'll work hard. Ninomiya-kun has also gotten wonderful awards. He's a genius, isn't he?
I also wish for him to be in a drama~ I miss him like crazy.. T_T
Hopefully that he will finally be the leading man in a drama!!
Tomorrow is public holiday! May 1 Labour Day!! So damn happy, lol.. That's why I went to watch X-Men Origin: Wolverine at 9++pm!! It's so damn good a movie, everyone must watch it!! LOL~
YAY!!!!!!!!!! NEWS top the chart with 112,153 sales on its first day of release! OMEDETOU!!
Is that a high figure, I dunno the range, haha.. XD
I think it will arrive in 4 days' time, I hope!! ♥
Also, KAT-TUN's 「Break the Records -by you & for you-」 is released today too! I'm too poor to buy the original Japan version, so I'll buy the Hong Kong or Taiwan version.. They cost a lot as well and only have normal editions, usually.. T_T
It's NEWS' turn this year!! I've never watched this program before. ARASHI was the main personality twice, while Tackey & Tsubasa and KAT-TUN had only one time.
24時間テレビ [24 Hour Television] is a long-running program annually, it is a charity program that raises funds. This year, it will air on Saturday 29 Aug to Sunday 30 Aug!
The theme this year is 『START~!一歩を踏みだそう~』
Accompanying the program is a SP that is acted out by one of the members.
Just as the name suggests, it is live broadcast for 24 hours, so our dear NEWS members will be occupying the channel for 24 hours.
Of course, they will have location shoots to various places for each of the members.
If you remember Kanjani8's 13-hour program last year, Touch!eco, it's about the same I guess. Members have already-shot videos to show on the TV~
I wonder what the SP will be about and who will act in it~ Very excited! XD Of course, I hope it will be Ryo, but I think it's highly likely to be P!
The only 24h SP I watched was "Yuuki" shot in 2006!~ It starred Kame, TOKIO's Yamaguchi Tatsuya and also, Oguri Shun!
On the official site of 24h, NEWS members commented! I'll Translate Ryo and Massu's because I only understood theirs! XD Sorry!
Ryo -- The fact that NEWS' name can be engraved in the decades-old continuing history of 「24 Jikan Terebi」, it's simply a very happy thing. I think this is the best conclusion to the summer, I'll work my hardest.
Massu -- For the fact that we can be the main personality of this program which I watch since I was young, I'm very happy!
In order to put a smile on everyone's face, I'll work my hardest!
On other news, I saw that P has changed his hairstyle, again! It's back to being straight!! o.O~ YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to see more of him LIVE on TV before I can confirm if it's true or not, haha..
And last but not least, my NEWS' Koi no ABO is shipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want it to arrive at my house right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Even though my hair has an amazing change, I think that it's not bad once in a while (laughs)
We'll be performing on MS again next week!
My hairstyle may become a bit more normal next time (laughs)
Today's topic is Afro
Following this, I think I will have to use the shampoo to wash my hair about three times!
Ah~People who hasn't seen MS may not be able to understand.
Today, I was in Music Station Live (^O^)
Then, my hair was made into an afro much like an African (laughs) So, in order to make this afro flat, I have to use the shampoo to wash my hair three times now.(^o^)
Wahaha, so cute!!!!!!!!
I got a shock when I saw his hair!! LOL~!! It's sooooo AFRO! So funny!! XD
Then, they had on very funny sunglasses and Koyama even had a ribbon in his hair!! OMG!! ♥
And I can tell that Massu misses his old hairstyle-that-never-changed because his hair is almost back to its old self again!! XD
And Tego's hair is good in here!~ But his hair was bad in Myojo June issue!! LOL.. I bought it yesterday!! XD They were on the cover!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
O, today's MS Live.. Even though it's Koi no ABO's first appearance on TV, it was cut! Doesn't have the second verse! T_T Sad..
O! You can watch it here!! But this clip started with DBSK.. ARGH! That's such a stain on the clip! Oopz! XD Dun anyhow comment on this hor.
Today, I'll introduce yet another fan's message Living in Fukuoka Prefecture~ PNchoco-san
『Good morning! To be honest. I came into Johnny's Web because of SMAP.』
Really honest. (laughs)
『yamapi doesn't really talk on TV shows, right?』 Correct! (laughs)
『I was wondering what you were thinking, so I took notice. Then I found out about your honesty and hardworking-ness.. I'm now a super fan of yours. Even my son who's in Primary school is jealous』
Please try to support SMAP and me in conditions that won't make him jealous! Yesterday's SMAP×SMAP was very interesting
Next is tomoka-san who's living in Okayama Prefecture.
『I read Tomohisa-kun's diary everyday Since watching 「Proposal Daisakusen」 it should be around 2 years already ハレルヤ~チャンス!{HARERUYA~CHANSU!}』
Ok ok! I understand now! Just calm down (laughs)
『From now on, please continue to work hard on your job, and also diary (laughs)(laughs)』
Why are there two 〔laughs〕 this mark?Hmm? 『I get courage from it everyday』
So, I will also work hard from now on The age written was 10 to 19, it must be a student right?
In any case, work hard on your studies ☺ From now on, too, please support me
So, that's all Next is going to watch television for today.
Feeling my emotions running high.
-- "mark" was written in English.
Wa~~~~~~~~~~ So super long since my last translation of P's diary! Sorry!
I wish that I live in Japan and that I subscribe to his jweb.. I wanna send him messages too! All in ENGLISH!! That will make him wanna post it, right? Hahaha~ XD
Minasan, konbanwa. Nishikido desu. Ikaga osugoshi desu ka? Tsui ni dekimashita. PAZURU. Minasan kiite kudasaimashita ka? Konkai no ARUBAMU wa mune wo hatte o susume shimasu. Ima made de ichiban suki na ARUBAMU desu.
Takusan no hito ni kiite hoshii desu.
Minasan senden shite ne
Everyone, good evening. I'm Nishikido. How's everyone? It's finally on sale. PUZZLE. Have everyone listened to it? This time's album is something which I can proudly stick out my chest to recommend. It's my favourite album yet.
I wish for many people to listen to this album.
Everyone, please help with the advertising
It's his favourite.. I feel that I've let him down by not buying the limited edition!! OMG! How?! T_T
I don't know if it's available in HMV yet.. If it is, it's gonna be $40+++++ or worse, $60++++.. OMG!! T_T I have no money!! I so hate being poor!!
I really love their all-English song Glorious!! Refer to the lyrics and song in the posts below!
Ryo should sing more in English because his pronunciation is so good!! I wish I can hear him speak in English one day! Wow, then we can communicate, if we have the chance! Right? ENGLISH FTW!!!!!!!!!!! LOL~~~
This guy.. only when he is advertising, he is being nice to us by putting a heart icon or calling us his kitties -_-" XD
Ohayou gozaimasu. Boku wa asa kara KAREE kuraimasu. Minasan mo asa kara nani ka wo kuraimashou
Good morning. Since morning, I've been eating curry. Everyone, too, eat something since morning
Sorry for being so super late!! I was busy with stuff on the 2nd because I set off for Taiwan on the 3rd! XD After I'm back, I have been working non-stop! T_T
I'll be posting the next 2 entries soon too, together with today's!!
Anyway, Ryo has been talking about cooking his own food in almost all magazine interviews!! LOL~~ In POPOLO May 2009 issue, you can see pictures of him at the chopping board~~ ♥ XD
Also, he said he'd like to marry soon~ Ah.......... Marry me!!!!!! WAHAHAHA I'm crazy, ignore me~~ XD
Ok, good night and sleep while listening to Glorious and halfdown!! ♥
Lyrics: Samuel Waermo Composer/Arrangement: Samuel Waermo / TJ Mixx
Here I stand in the rain Looking up to see your face Pass the window for a glimpse of you Can't you see how I feel So come undo this hurt now I wish you were beside me
I'm knocking at your heart Begging you to open up Let me feel you through the night I walk a million miles Whatever it takes
Glorious, glorious A miracle You're the dreams I got inside Paint my world Of colours so divine Glorious, heavenly You stole my heart And you stepped into my life Like no one else have done It's making you glorious
When the night tumble down I can feel you close to me You got heaven stored inside of you Seeing me, seeing you That's how it all should be now I wish you were beside me
I'm knocking at your heart Begging you to open up Let me feel you through the night I walk a million miles Whatever it takes
Glorious, glorious A miracle You're the dreams I got inside Paint my world Of colours so divine Glorious, heavenly You stole my heart And you stepped into my life Like no one else have done It's making you glorious
Maybe I'm a fool Notorious I never learn Maybe I should leave my dreams of you behind But when I see your eyes And touch your lips I know I'm truly yours So glorious love can be
Glorious, glorious A miracle You're the dreams I got inside Paint my world Of colours so divine Glorious, heavenly You stole my heart And you stepped into my life Like no one else have done It's making you
Glorious, glorious A miracle You're the dreams I got inside Paint my world Of colours so divine Glorious, heavenly You stole my heart And you stepped into my life Like no one else have done It's making you glorious
It's making you glorious
It's so so so so so so so nice! Their pronunciation is good! This song has a bit of BSB-feel to it, I really really love this song~ I'm so touched that they sang an entire song in ENGLISH!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL~
Especially when Ryo gets to the sing the verses and last line!! OMG!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥~~~~~~
This PV is very "sepia", so I guess it's to contradict the "colours" talked about in the lyrics.. It means that the girl has left. Quite sad and the lyrics is touching~ ♥
Ok, here's the other two songs!!
Yoko, Yasu -- Kicyu
Very cute PV!! it doesn't have their faces, it's entirely animated~ I like this PV because this kind of things excite me, lol~ It's very cute and funny, there are big fat lips dancing around them and sucking them in! LOL~
As for the song, it's a cute and upbeat song~! Listen to it and you'll be cheered up!! ♥
Maru, Shingo -- YOU CAN SEE
I think this PV is a bit abstract, lol.. I don't understand it, because I don't understand the lyrics too, lol~~ Seeing Maru and Shingo so serious and cool, I'm not used to it, lol~ XD Luckily, Maru cannot really stand to be so serious~! XD
But the song is very cool, I like it!
P.S.: By the way, if you have downloaded my 恋のABO subtitles, I'd love it if you leave me a message here saying you like it, or thankz or something, yeah~~~ ^_^ THANKZ!! ♥
I've translated the lyrics of Koi no ABO!! But I don't think it's 100% correct because the official lyrics is not out yet, hoho~ x.X
In fact, I've also made a softsub for the 4minutes 51seconds PV! You can download the .ASS softsub here! ^_~♥
By the way, if you have downloaded my 恋のABO subtitles, I'd love it if you leave me a message here saying you like it, or thankz or something, yeah~~~ ^_^ THANKZ!! ♥
If you want to post this elsewhere, remember to credit me, ok? Thankz! ^_^v Enjoy this cute song! ♥
HEY O ロマンチスト・リーダー AB ツンデレ・プロデューサー 誰にでも長所と短所 リアルであるでしょ
ポップなヒップがバーン 踊ろうぜ
ヒットのソングがバーン 盛り上がれ
サッチなキュートなSMILE ステージに上がれ
恋してたいといいんじゃない HOT HOT HOT 運命がFEVER 信じてたいといいんじゃない HOT HOT HOT カンシンなFEELING 全てをさらけだして 恋をしようよ
HEY O プライド・エベレスト AB まるでじきるはいど 占いじゃ相性は× なんとかなるでしょ
HEY A 照れ屋な弁護士 HEY B ユニークなドリーマー 誰にでも長所と短所 リアルであるでしょ
ポップなタッチでバーン 抱き寄せて
リッチなリップがバーン 奪いたい
ニッチもサッチもです ステージに上がれ
恋してたいといいんじゃない HOT HOT HOT 運命はFUNKY 感じてたいといいんじゃない HOT HOT HOT 完全にFALLING 全てをさらけだして 恋をしようよ
揺れる影 見つめ合う 二人抱き合えば これが恋のABO
恋してたいといいんじゃない HOT HOT HOT 運命がFEVER 信じてたいといいんじゃない HOT HOT HOT カンシンなFEELING 全てをさらけだして
恋してたいといいんじゃない HOT HOT HOT 運命はFUNKY 感じてたいといいんじゃない HOT HOT HOT 完全にFALLING 全てをさらけだして
恋をしようよ 恋をしようよ 恋のABO
You tachi, nani gata
Koi yo koi yo koi no ABO ×3
HEY A Kichoumen BIRIIBAA HEY B MY PACE na ban chou Uranai ja ai shou wa batsu Nantoka naru desho
HEY O ROMANCHISUTO RIIDAA AB TSUNDERE PURODYUUSAA Dare ni demo chou sho to tansho RIARU de aru desho
POP na HIP ga BANG Odorou ze
HITO no SONGU ga BANG Mori agare
Koi shite taito iin janai HOT HOT HOT Unmei ga FEVER Shinjite taito iin janai HOT HOT HOT Kanshin na FEELING Subete wo sarake dashite Koi wo shiyou yo
HEY O PURAIDO EBERASUTO AB Marude jikiru haido Uranai ja ai shou wa batsu Nantoka naru desho
HEY A Tereya na bengoshi HEY B YUNIIKU na DORIIMAA Dare ni demo chou sho to tansho RIARU de aru desho
POP na TACCHI de BANG Daki yosete
RICH na LIP ga BANG Uba itai
NICHI mo SACCHI mo desu SUTEEJI ni agare
Koi shite taito iin janai HOT HOT HOT Unmei wa FUNKY Kanjite taito iin janai HOT HOT HOT Kanzen ni FALLING Subete wo sarake dashite Koi wo shiyou yo
Yureru kage Mitsume au Futari daki aeba Kore ga koi no ABO
Koi shite taito iin janai HOT HOT HOT Unmei ga FEVER Shinjite taito iin janai HOT HOT HOT Kanshin na FEELING Subete wo sarake dashite
Koi shite taito iin janai HOT HOT HOT Unmei wa FUNKY Kanjite taito iin janai HOT HOT HOT Kanzen ni FALLING Subete wo sarake dashite
Koi wo shiyou yo Koi wo shiyou yo Koi no ABO
Koi yo koi yo koi no ABO ×3
YOU, what blood type?
Love yo Love yo Love's ABO ×3
HEY A Methodical Believer HEY B Leader who goes his own PACE Divination would say we have no chance of love We can somehow make it work
HEY O Romanticist Leader AB Indifferent yet passionate Producer Everyone has their good and bad points Isn't this real?
Popping your hips bang Start dancing
Hip song bang Getting excited
Such a CUTE SMILE Go up on the stage
Isn't it okay to want to fall in love HOT HOT HOT Destiny is FEVER Isn't it okay to want to believe HOT HOT HOT Satisfied FEELING Show everything Let's fall in love
HEY O Pride Everlast AB Totally a double-personality person Divination would say we have no chance of love We can somehow make it work
HEY A Bashful Lawyer HEY B Unique Dreamer Everyone has their good and bad points Isn't this real?
Popping touch bang Hug
RICH LIP bang Want to take it
Even if I sense a wall Go up on the stage
Isn't it okay to want to fall in love HOT HOT HOT Destiny is FUNKY Isn't it okay to want to feel HOT HOT HOT Totally FALLING Show everything Let's fall in love
Swaying shadow If two persons who are looking at each other were to hug This is love's ABO
Isn't it okay to want to fall in love HOT HOT HOT Destiny is FEVER Isn't it okay to want to believe HOT HOT HOT Satisfied FEELING Show everything
Isn't it okay to want to fall in love HOT HOT HOT Destiny is FUNKY Isn't it okay to want to feel HOT HOT HOT Totally FALLING Show everything
Let's fall in love Let's fall in love Love's ABO
Love yo Love yo Love's ABO ×3
I think that it's such a cute song! The PV is soooo funny! What's up with the retro dance and the costume? Hahahaha~
At the same time, it feels more adult too, very cool~~ ♥
P's hair is brighter than before and longer too, such that his curls.. moved lower..? Hahahaha~~~ And we see his famous cups again, so cute~ XD
There is too little of Ryo.. I mean, significantly fewer shots of him than others.. I'm so sad.. T_T But better than none, I guess.. I miss him~~~~~~!
Wazzup with Shige? LOL~~ His expressions are sooooo exaggerated!! Haha~
There is significantly more shots of Koyama, haha..
Tego's hair........... Wazzup with having curls?! T_T He's still having his tan, that's good, hoho~ But I feel that if he gets any darker, it will feel weird.. Dunno why I feel that way, haha..
Massu is just so cute~ XD
Overall, adult-poi PV set in a "disco" and has a retro feel, haha..
The lyrics is interesting too~ For Japanese, blood types are quite important when determining what type of personalities one has, but to me, blood types have only 4.. Horoscope has 12 and the description of each sign is much more detailed and accurate~
So happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~!! I've also updated my "11th Single" post below, so it looks all that much prettier, lol~ XD
Anyway, why aren't their faces in the Limited Edition [left]? Usually you get prettier cover for Limited and the one with no face for Normal, right? Hoho, it's because I'm buying the Normal one, that's why!! *runs for cover from rotten tomatoes* XD
Anyway, their sitting positions in the picture is one that we have never seen before, so some fans have commented that the positions feel weird, haha.. Well, yeah, coz usually, P is in the middle and Koyama is usually not in the middle but to the left side, that's what I feel, haha.. But the picture is so damn small to see anything.. One can only feel it, haha.. I feel that it continues the style of "color" which has a glamourous feel to it~ This single's cover's background looks like a nightclub though, lol.. And silver and red are strong in bringing out this sort of feeling~ It also reminds me of vampires, hahaha XD
How exciting would it be if NEWS members were to cosplay as vampires with pointy fangs?! OMG!~~~~ Sooooooooooo.. erotic? Hahahahahaha!! *ROFL*
I've also heard that a preview version of the song will be released tomorrow!! But I'll be in Taiwan already, NO COMPUTER!! Ah, it's ok, I'm gonna get it in May anyway, haha~~ XD
We're all still unsure about the OPEN YOUR EYES.. Is it the one that Ryo sang some time ago? It should be, shouldn't it?
Can't wait to see the PV~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
History: Formed on 15 Sep 2003 with 9 members to support the national volleyball women team. 2012 was the year of the new 4-member NEWS.
Name: 小山慶一郎 Koyama Keiichiro
D.O.B.: 1 May 1984
From: Kanagawa, Japan
Sun Sign: Taurus
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: O
Height: 178cm
Weight: Education: Meiji University
Date of joining Johnny's: 21 Jan 2001
Colour in NEWS: Purple
Favourite Food: Links:Member Ai, Why people like him
Name: 増田貴久 Masuda Takahisa
D.O.B.: 4 July 1986
From: Tokyo, Japan
Sun Sign: Cancer
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: O
Height: 171cm
Weight: Date of joining Johnny's: 8 Nov 1998
Colour in NEWS: Yellow
Favourite Food: Gyoza
Links:NEWS RING, Why people like him
Name: 加藤成亮 Kato Shigeaki
D.O.B.: 11 July 1987
From: Osaka, Japan
Sun Sign: Cancer
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: A
Height: 175cm
Weight: 60kg
Education: Aoyama University
Date of joining Johnny's: 17 April 1999
Colour in NEWS: Green
Other occupations: Author
Favourite Food: Links:NEWS RING, Why people like him
Name: 手越祐也 Tegoshi Yuya
D.O.B.: 11 Nov 1987
From: Kanagawa, Japan
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: B
Height: 169cm
Weight: Education: Waseda University
Date of joining Johnny's: 1 Dec 2002
Colour in NEWS: Pink
Favourite Food: Links:NEWS RING, Why people like him
History: Formed on 16 March 2001 because Koichi needed back dancers and finally debuted on 22 March 2006 with "REAL FACE". The name, KAT-TUN, was formed by taking the first letter of their surnames.
Akanishi Jin left to become a solo artiste in 2010.
Name: 亀梨和也 Kamenashi Kazuya
D.O.B.: 23 February 1986
From: Tokyo, Japan
Sun Sign: Pisces
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: B
Height: Weight: Education: Date of joining Johnny's: 8 Nov 1998
Colour in KAT-TUN: Favourite Food: Links:KAT-TUN MANUAL, Why people like him
Name: 田口淳之介 Taguchi Junnosuke
D.O.B.: 29 Nov 1985
From: Kanagawa, Japan
Sun Sign: Saggitarius
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: AB
Height: 180cm
Weight: 64kg
Date of joining Johnny's: 16 May 1999
Colour in KAT-TUN: Favourite Food: Links:KAT-TUN MANUAL, Why people like him
Name: 田中聖 Tanaka Koki
D.O.B.: 5 Nov 1985
From: Chiba, Japan
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: B
Height: 170.5cm
Weight: 55kg
Education: Date of joining Johnny's: 20 June 1998
Colour in KAT-TUN: Favourite Food: Links:KAT-TUN MANUAL, Why people like him
Name: 上田竜也 Ueda Tatsuya
D.O.B.: 4 Oct 1983
From: Kanagawa, Japan
Sun Sign: Libra
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: B
Height: 172cm
Weight: 53kg
Date of joining Johnny's: 22 June 1998
Colour in KAT-TUN: Favourite Food: Links:KAT-TUN MANUAL, Why people like him
Name: 中丸雄一 Nakamaru Yuichi
D.O.B.: 4 Sep 1983
From: Tokyo, Japan
Sun Sign: Virgo
Venus Sign: Mars Sign: Blood Type: O
Height: 177cm
Weight: 55kg
Education: Waseda University
Date of joining Johnny's: 8 Nov 1998
Colour in KAT-TUN: Favourite Food: Links:KAT-TUN MANUAL, Why people like him
Through the years, I’ve seen many many many Jdorama~ Here’s a page of my comments and opinions~ Liking or hating a drama, to each his own~ ^_^
I think I’ll be adding pictures for each drama later and depends on whether I can find them.. Some are really super old..
O, there might be spoilers ahead~
101st Proposal 101回目のプロポーズ
12 Epi | Fuji | 1991
I remember watching this when I was very young, lol.. Coz I remember the theme song, “Say Yes” by Chag and Aska~ Very nice song!! And well, since it made it all the way to my country’s TV station, it must mean the drama is good~ I remember that it was very popular and we would watch it together, lol..
1 Pound Gospel 1ポンドの福音
9 Epi | NTV | 2008
Kamenashi Kazuya acts as Hatanaka Kousaku, a boxer who has trouble controlling his gluttony and so he has to go on a mad diet before his matches. One day, he was jogging, because of the mad diet, and he fainted in a park and was saved by a nun called Sister Angela, played by Kuroki Meisa. I like this drama, it’s so cute and funny~ Hatanaka’s persistence may be annoying to some, but isn’t it touching to have someone love another person so relentlessly?
Abarenbo Mama 暴れん坊ママ
10 Epi | Fuji | 2007
Anego アネゴ
10 Epi | 1 SP | NTV | 2005
Great drama!! XD I like it~ I’m not that old but I can relate because I fear I would become like that — an OL who work and work and don’t have the chance to get married.. T_T Anego is a woman in her thirties and a nice big sister to her colleagues. She always try her best to help them solve their problems. A couple of newcomers entered her department, one of them is Kurosawa Akihiko, played by Akanishi Jin. He respected her for her kind heart and the willingness to help those around her. The thought “bubbles” that they have are pretty cute~! You can see what they really think and those are things that cannot be said out loud, haha, so fun!! XD
Attention Please
11 Epi | 2 SP | Fuji | 2006
Honestly, I watched this because Ryo is in it~ And so, because of watching this drama, my sisters and I “fell in love” with Ueto Aya~ She’s so cute~!! She’s a lively Flight-Attendant-wannabe called Misaki Youko, who grew up in an all-boys environment, such irony! XD One day, she bumped into Nakahara Shota, played by Nishikido Ryo, in the train station and lost her ticket in the process. So she accused him of stealing her ticket~ But Shota is a cool guy who thinks that this girl is crazy and annoying. A very funny drama~~ O, also, because of this drama, we love Aibu Saki as well~ She’s pretty and cute~!
Beach Boys
12 Epi | 1 SP | Fuji | 1997
Watched this on TV super long ago, lol~ Sorimachi Takashi + Takeuchi Yutaka + Hirosue Ryoko = mega huge hit at the time~ Very cheerful drama, I remember~ One of the must-watch classics~
Byakkotai 白虎隊
2 Epi | TV Asahi | 2007
Very nice history drama of Aizu and their samurai spirit. Made me cry lots and lots.. Yamashita Tomohisa [Sakai Shintarou/Mineji] and Tanaka Koki [Shinoda Yusuke/Gisaburo] act as descendants and also members of the young men team of warriors, Byakkotai, in 1868. What made me cry so much is their thinking.. 1. Dying honourably by stabbing yourself in the stomach, or cutting your artery at the neck, or having someone else on your side chop off your head after you died under enemy fire. 2. “To die honourably” and not “to win the war and come back alive”.. Why why why! When so many people died, I cried uncontrollably.. Especially when the boys died and their mothers.. some cried, some died, some sang.. It’s really heartbreaking.. T_T All the actors and actresses act so well, very good acting, very touching.. The drama portrayed quite realistically how cruel politics, power struggles and wars are.. You’d recognise Yakushimaru Hiroko [Aya's mother in 1LOT] as Sakai’s mother, Sakai Shige. And 2 other Johnny’s boys, Fujigaya Taisuke [Itou Matahachi] and Higashiyama Noriyuki [Matsudaira Katamori]. This is the first time I watched a drama with as many as 4 Johnny’s boys in it. XD
10 Epi | Fuji | 2008
Code Blue
? Epi | Fuji | 2008
Currently watching this~ 3 episodes so far and so far so good~ YamaP acts as this arrogant and confident flight-doctor-in-training called Aizawa Kousaku who wants to become a famous doctor faster than anyone. Along with him are 3 more trainees, Shiraishi Megumi [Aragaki Yui], Hiyama Mihoko [Toda Erika] and Fuikawa Kazuo [Asari Yosuke]. Hope this drama will turn out better than its preceder on the Thurs10 *coughlastfriendscough* slot!
A.K.A. Tantei Gakuen Q~ You have to watch the SP before the drama, because that’s how they released it, lol.. The SP introduces you to the world of the detective school set up by the famous detective, Dan Morihiko. The school is called D.D.S., Dan Detective School. This day, a lot pf people have come to take the entrance test, they were given a crime scene photo taken by the victim and also a crime scene photo taken by the police, their job is to find out the criminal within the next few minutes and then follow the one they suspect. I’m a major fan of Kindaichi and DAQ, so I’ve already read their manga.. There are only a few differences in the SP, until they reach the part where they had to go on a certain transport.. That, was not in the manga.. Haha.. But anyway, the point is there, so, it’s ok~
I like the cast for the drama better because they “corrected” their choice, lol.. The Kazuma in the SP is.. Totally wrong, lol.. In the drama, the cast remains the same except for Kazuma, which is great!! Wakaba Katsumi really looks like Kazuma, haha~ Yamada Ryosuke is just fantastic to be Amakusa Ryuu!! OMG! He’s so cool!! Shida Mirai is cute and is naughtier than the original Megumi~ Kaname Jun as Kinta is just perfect! Haha~~ As for Q, Kamiki Ryunosuke did a nice job~! But he’s too tall, haha~
The drama has different cases from the manga, but the tricks behind them are pretty much the same, like in the first episode, the closed-room murder, how the key was in the room and not out of the room~ XD
Read the manga, watch the anime and the SP and the drama~ Please! ♥
Double Score
11 Epi | Fuji | 2002
I love this drama! I remember I’d rush to switch to the channel that airs this drama~ Coz I love Sorimachi so much, haha~ XD I like him ever since GTO, of course! Anyway, I like this drama because it’s so cool~ Sorimachi Takashi acts as Tachibana, an impulsive cop~ His new partner is Oshio Manabu, whose character’s name I forgot, lol~ Anyway, this new guy is a university grad and goes by the book~ Initially, he is against Tachibana’s way of catching the bad guys~ [I'm bad at writing review and stuff] Watch this drama because it’s good, lol~
Dragon Zakura ドラゴン桜
11 Epi | TBS | 2005
11 Epi | Fuji | 2005
Gachi Baka! ガチバカ!
10 Epi | TBS | 2006
More realistic than Gokusen. The teacher, Gondo Tetta [Takahashi Katsunori], doesn’t have wild dreams of having everyone graduating together, he just wants them to choose their future path carefully, properly and then to walk down it with no regrets. Tegoshi Yuya and Masuda Takahisa are the main reason why I watched this drama, lol~ End up, I love it for its more realistic plot~
It was almost unbearable to watch one more minute of it if not for my Ryo.. I hate Suzuki Anne!! OMG!! Seriously, why did they have to get her to be the lead girl?! No more other girls?! Luckily, there were Ryo and Aibu Saki, phew~ XD This drama is about Shinomura Etsuko [Suzuki Anne] wanting to form a girls’ rowing club in her high school. Sekino Hiroyuki [Nishikido Ryo] is her childhood friend and is called “Buu” by her. Yano Rie [Aibu Saki] along with 3 other girls joined her rowing club and they became best friends, but in the process, lots happened because of the competitions and love problems. I think one of the hot topics at that time was the changing of actor for the role of Nakata Saburo, because of Uchi Hiroki’s underage drinking incident. Taguchi Junnosuke replaced him from episode 4 onwards. At first, I thought that Junno wasn’t as cool as Uchi, because Uchi was acting the “cool guy” in epi 1 and 2, lol~ But later on, Junno grows on you, lol, he’s so cute~ XD
Gokusen 1 ごくせん1
12 Epi | 1 SP | NTV | 2002
LOVE IT~ Nakama Yukie is soooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!! つづく
Gokusen 2 ごくせん2
10 Epi | 1 SP | NTV | 2005
Gokusen 3 ごくせん3
11 Epi | NTV | 2008
Golden Bowl
11 Epi | NTV | 2002
Watched this on TV some years ago~ It wasn’t bad but not fantastic, it was plain~ But there were the gorgeous Kaneshiro Takeshi to ogle at and the beautiful Kuroki Hitomi to look at~ LOL~ I don’t really remember the story.. I think it’s about having a bowling competition to save the bowling centre from being sold, or something like that~
Good Luck!!
10 Epi | TBS | 2003
Kimura Takuya acts as a pilot called Shinkai Hajime and Shibasaki Kou acts as a plane technician called Ogawa Ayumi. They were like fire and water at the beginning but later, they fell in love, but how? That’s for you to watch, lol~ Quite a nice and normal drama~
12 Epi | 1 SP | 1 Movie | Fuji | 1998
Best best best drama ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched it soooo many years ago!! I’m a huge fan of the manga since very young! I also watched the anime in recent years~ In the drama, Sorimachi Takashi is GTO, Great Teacher Onizuka~ He always introduces himself like this: Onizuka Ekichi, 22 years old, single. Hahaha~~~ He was a bad boy in a motorcycle gang, but he dreams of becoming a teacher XD His motive was bad at first, but later, his kind heart shines through as he helps his students in times of trouble and they gradually accept him as their teacher~ This bunch of students hated teachers because there was once when they were betrayed by a teacher. Matsushima Nanako acts as the English teacher called Fuyutsuki Azusa, a young Oguri Shun acts as a weak bullied boy called Yoshikawa Noboru and Fujiki Naohito acts as GTO’s best friend since the motorcycle gang era called Saejima Ryuji~
A really really really good drama that everyone has to watch at least once in their lifetime~
夜露死苦 ["Yoroshiku" written in motorcycle gang language XD] ♥
Hana Yori Dango 1 花より男子1
9 Epi | TBS | 2005 Hana Yori Dango 2 花より男子2
11 Epi | 1 Movie | TBS | 2007
Hana Yori Dango!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ROFL* Absolutely funny drama~ I’ve watched the anime when I was 11 years old or so, really love it and would rush home to watch it.. 5pm slot, I think, channel 8, in mandarin dub, lol~ Then came the Taiwanese idol drama version, which we didn’t like.. Really hate the F4 in that version, they just.. suck, bad. I think it’s because they all had long hair and are ugly and behave like girls, URGH, disgusting!! I still hate them very much, hahaha!!
ANYWAY, this is about the much much x10000 better Japanese live-action drama~ Matsumoto Jun acts as Doumyoji Tsukasa, the super spoilt brat with super strength and ego, lol~ Even though MatsuJun is not as tall as Doumyoji, his “aura” is tall~ It makes me feel that he really is suitable for acting out this role~ Makino Tsukushi was played by Inoue Mao, a very cute girl~ Makino’s family is super poor but she is attending this super rich school that all other rich kids are attending. Doumyoji Tsukasa has 1 older sister called Tsubaki, played by the beautiful Matsushima Nanako, and 3 other good buddies and they are Hanazawa Rui [Oguri Shun], Nishikado Soujiro [Matsuda Shota] and Mimasaka Akira [Abe Tsuyoshi]~ Rumour has it that MatsuJun refused to accept the role of Doumyoji if they don’t put Oguri in the show as well~ They are very good friends~ And yay for this action because HanaDan pushed their careers sky high!! The drama was so immensely popular! Now, Oguri Shun is one of the hottest male actor in Japan!
The drama has lotsa changes but the original author approved the changes~ The whole drama is grand and elegant in terms of the places, the clothes and the food and events, etc~ Very nice to watch! I think the only bad point is that the soundtrack sounds too alike to Harry Potter.. XD
On 28 June 2008, Hana Yori Dango F was opened in Japan cinemas~ It’s the finale to the drama and it’s about the wedding~ I saw the trailer and it looks so good! They went to Hong Kong and Las Vegas to shoot the movie!! I wanna watch it!!!!!!!
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e 花ざかりの君たちへ
12 Epi | Fuji | 2007
After being entertained by the Taiwanese idol drama version, we were even more entertained by the Japanese live-action version which is 100 times more exaggerated than the former! Oguri Shun acts as Sano Izumi, an injured ex-high jumper high schooler. Horikita Maki acts as Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl living in America who is in love with Sano and daringly impost as a boy to get transferred into the same all-boys school as Sano. She’s really cute as a tomboy!! Ikuta Toma acts as Nakatsu Shuuichi, the sporty and crazy friend of Sano. This was the first time I saw Toma and instantly fell in love! HAHA I’m such a carrot~ XD Watch this drama is you want to see lots of good-looking guys~! Coz this school only admits good-looking boys!! Notable eye candies are Sano and Nakatsu, Nanba Minami [Mizushima Hiro], the 2nd Dorm Leader, Tennoji Megumi [Ishigaki Yuma], the 1st Dorm Leader, Kayashima Taiki [Yamamoto Yusuke], the ghost detector and Kagurazaka Makoto [Shirota Yu], Sano’s rival~
A.K.A. Under One Roof. We love this drama! I remember watching it on tv very very long ago~ It was in mandarin dub.. So I only remember the names in chinese, like 小哥,小雪,大哥。。It’s a touching drama about a family of siblings without parents.. There were big brother, second brother, youngest brother, young sister and 小雪~ I forgot what’s 小雪 relationship to them and why she’s living together with them.. Eguchi Yosuke acts as the big brother, I remember he had long hair and always wears a yellow cap, back facing front, lol~ It’s a really popular drama at that time, coz almost everyone watched it~ You should too~ ^_~
Hokaben ホカベン
10 Epi | NTV | 2008
Honey & Clover ハチミツとクローバー
11 Epi | Fuji | 2008
A funny, but plain drama~ I watched the anime before and I quite like it, because of the art~ As for the drama, 1. I watched the anime before, so, naturally, I’d wanna watch the live-action as well, 2. there’s Toma. XD Ikuta Toma acts as Takemoto Yuuta, a guy who doesn’t have any idea what he wanna do in the future and guts. Narumi Riko acts as Hanamoto Hagumi, a very shy and short 19-year-old girl from the countryside who is very good at painting. Mukai Osamu acts as Mayama Takumi, a year senior to Takemoto-kun in architecture who is working for Harada Design. Harada Natsuki acts as Yamada Ayumi, daughter of the owner of a shop in the neighbourhood who is well-loved there for her beauty, guts and strength~ She’s good in pottery and bitterly in love with Mayama.. who is in love with Harada Design’s owner.. The only disappointment in the cast is Narimiya Hiroki who acts as Morita Shinobu. Why I don’t like him, because he is Nobu in NANA movies. XD And he doesn’t suit Morita-san, this character. T_T Morita-san is a crazy guy who is obsessed with anything cute but will never ever say “I like you” and stuff like that! And the whole “Does Morita like Hagu, or not?” was not present in the drama for the audience to guess [like in the anime].. It was just a straight-forward love triangle of Take-Hagu-Morita……………. T_T The drama also scored really low on viewership numbers.. Sad..
Ichi Rittoru no Namida 1リットルの涙 [1 Litre of Tears]
11 Epi | 1 SP | Fuji | 2005
No one and I say NO ONE SHOULD MISS THIS DRAMA. Seriously, you can skip all other drama and just watch this. This is based on the true story of Kitou Aya, who was a young sufferer of a cruel incurable disease called “Spinocerebellar Degeneration” where the smaller brain will shrink over time. It controls your muscles, so as it shrinks, you can’t control your muscles and you know how muscles is super important in how your body works, don’t you? Gradually, Ikeuchi Aya [Sawajiri Erika][they changed the family name] will lose the power to control her muscles as she wishes and that means that there will come a day when she cannot walk and talk, etc, anymore.. T_T She is smart and kind and good at basketball and like any other girls, yearns to fall in love. She has a crush on her senior [Matsuyama Kenichi acts as Kawamoto Yuji] in basketball club since junior high school and when she passed the entrance test to go into the same high school as him, she was super happy. Kitou Aya’s mum asked the production team to add a perfect boyfriend for Aya because it was her wish to fall in love, so they added a character called Asou Haruto [Nishikido Ryo]. This was the first time I saw Ryo, but it didn’t leave any impression on me at all. Surprisingly. XD Coz throughout the whole drama, I only looked at Erika, she’s too beautiful~ Haha XD Narumi Riko acts as her younger sister, Ikeuchi Ako~ This was also the first time I saw her and I thought she will definitely make it in the entertainment scene~
I really cried a lot since episode 5.. even after the whole drama ended, I was still crying on my bed.. T_T Now thinking back to some classic dialogues, I’m crying again.. T_T Like, “Will I be able to get married?”, “Why did the illness choose me?”……….. T_T
Isshun no Kaze ni Nare 一瞬の風になれ
4 Epi | Fuji | 2008
Seriously, I watched this because Ryo is guest-starring in it. I don’t even like Uchi. -_-” LOL~ Well, they are brothers in the drama, Kamiya Kenichi [Nishikido Ryo] is a very talented and good soccer player and his younger brother, Kamiya Shinji [Uchi Hiroki] is a fast runner. Ichinose Ren [Hasegawa Jun] is Shinji’s best friend who is faster in running than him. This drama is about the days of Shinji and his friends in the track and field club in their high school. This drama is also the come-back drama of Uchi since the underage drinking incident, so Ryo went to help out since they’re best friends~
Jigoku Shoujo 地獄少女
12 Epi | NTV | 2006
Karei Naru Ichizoku 華麗なる一族
10 Epi | TBS | 2007
Kimi to Ita Mirai no Tame ni ~ I’ll Be Back 君といた未来のために ~ I’ll Be Back
10 Epi | NTV | 1999
A really really really good drama I watched on TV very very very long ago~ It’s very unique because no other drama is like this. Even till now. The impact it had on me was so great that I remember it even till now~ When I finally found out the title [I didn't know the title when I was young XD], I was overjoyed! XD I wanna watch it again, but I can’t find it in the video shops.. T_T Help!!
Anyway, Domoto Tsuyoshi acts as a college senior who died. But he woke up to his alarm clock and when he looked at his calender on the wall, he was shocked, plus he was dragged to high school by his childhood female friend. I remember what happened in the story but I only remember Tsuyoshi’s face.. DramaWiki listed Nakama Yukie, but really, no impression~ The whole drama has the mystery air of “why is this happening?”, I love it~ The end of the drama was very very touching~
I just know that I wanna watch this drama again.. T_T
Kindaichi!!!!!!!!!!! Super fan of the manga!! Watched this very long ago on TV~ Domoto Tsuyoshi acts as Kindaichi Hajime, the grandson of famous detective Kindaichi Kosuke. He has an IQ of 180 but he is lousy in school exams. His childhood friend is Nanase Miyuki [Tomosaka Rie] who is a girl good in school work and the one who always help him and look after him. I don’t remember the drama in details, but it’s a nice drama because Domoto’s acting is good and resembles the Kindaichi I have in mind~ ^_^
There was a season 3 but I don’t remember watching it.. But my sisters do.. -_-” Er.. How come?! Hahaha~~ Anyway, in season 3, MatsuJun was the Kindaichi.. Hmm.. Weird..
If MatsuJun as Kindaichi is weird, this SP is weirder. Coz Kamenashi Kazuya is the Kindaichi this time round. And this SP is weird coz they shoot it as if this is the first case Kindaichi ever encountered. So it’s a start-from-the-beginning kind of SP.. which was in 2005………….. EH?! -_-” What the hell were they thinking?! Anyway, while Kame’s acting is good, audience already have Domoto/MatsuJun as Kindaichi in their heads, so it takes some time to get used to.. Ueno Juri acts as Nanase Miyuki~ Needs some time getting used to too, for me, coz I have the Domoto-Rie pairing imprinted in my head since so many years ago~ LOL~
Anyway, this case is about a vampire legend in the ruins of a village. I already read it before I watched this so I knew the tricks and who did it already, lol~ So, overall, they followed the manga quite closely, yay~ ^_^
Kurosagi クロサギ
11 Epi | 1 Movie | TBS | 2006
One of the best new drama~! All those drama that I said are good are quite old right? This one is quite new in contrast~! XD In this drama, Yamashita Tomohisa acts as Kurosaki, no given name was known to the audience. Kurosaki is a young guy who lost his family when he was 15 years old. In order to take revenge, he became Kurosagi, a black swindler, who works for an old guy who owns a restaurant. In this world, there are 3 types of swindlers, 1. Shirosagi, white swindlers who swindle your money using business, 2. Akasagi, red swindlers who swindle your money by playing with your feelings and 3. Kurosagi, the swindler who eats Shirosagi and Akasagi. Kurosaki owns a small building of small apartments for rent quite out of the way of the city, one day, a new tenant arrived, she is called Yoshikawa Tsurara [Horikita Maki], a university student studying law, trying to be a public prosecutor. Because of Yoshikawa, Kurosaki’s life begins to change.
I really like this drama~ It’s really fun to watch how people fall into his traps~! XD YamaP improved in his acting in this drama as he has to change his clothes, way of talking, behaviour in every episode while maintaining the same identity.
The movie sequel was opened in Japan cinemas on 8 March 2008, 5 days after my birthday.. I wanna watch it!! But my country usually DON’T bring in such good films.. T_T
I only watched this in bits and pieces on TV.. It has Matsushima Nanako, Eguchi Yosuke and Oguri Shun~ This is a medical-human relationships drama~
Last Friends
11 Epi | 1 SP | Fuji | 2008
The drama which fell due to the too-heavy expectations from everyone. It started out really good, the first few episodes. Before it even started, everyone was having high hopes because of the themes of this drama. Lesbian, Domestic Violence, Sex Phobia, Loneliness and Gender Identity.. Sounds so cool, right?! The higher the expectations, the bigger the disappointment and the harder the fall. We, Ryo-fans, were waiting anxiously for the drama to start, even though our Ryo is acting as a despicable DV guy called Oikawa Sousuke. He works in the child welfare division, so on the outside he is very kind, but when he gets angry at/suspicious of his girlfriend, Aida Michiru [Nagasawa Masami], he hits and kicks her. Her actions always suggests that she is hiding something, so it’s hard to blame as well. That’s my [and a lot others'] opinion. Of course, hitting people is not right at all. In love with the weak Michiru is a boyish girl called Kishimoto Ruka [Ueno Juri] who is a pro motocross racer. Ueno’s short hair is really nice and looks very good on her! Better than her Nodame hair, haha! And in love with the boyish Ruka is a make-up artist called Mizushima Takeru [Eita] who is also a bartender and a sufferer of Sex Phobia. Living together in a share house with Ruka is a flight attendant called Takigawa Eri [Mizukawa Asami] who is constantly lonely. And in love with this woman is a weak guy called Ogura Tomohiko [Yamazaki Shigenori] who works in the airlines as well. Michiru’s problem is that she came from a broken family, her mother is a drunkard and her father is a drunkard who would hit her mother, so her mother took her and ran away to another place when she was 18. Now, she’s working in a salon as an assistant but she’s constantly bullied by her senior called Hiratsuka Reina [Nishihara Aki] who is also a victim.
The first few episodes were really good, they kept making us wanna watch the next episode. But later, like 7, or 8 onwards.. !@#!@#@$#%$%$~~ LOL.. It’s ridiculous to change the story for the sake of getting high viewership ratings!! They should have let Sousuke died! Like who wouldn’t when being hit like that?! He’s not superman! It was a really great chance to let the DV guy rest in peace, really, but no, the storywriter didn’t let him off and want him to continue to torture Michiru, for the sake of the viewership ratings. And what’s more, he in his limping state, can hit people somemore! OMG.. Then at end of the 10th episode, they let him die like that, making him like such a coward. ARGH!!
The ending was disappointing but it can never be as diappointing as the so-called SP, broadcasted just the following week of the last episode -_-”
Because of the high anticipation and expectations, I was really really x100 disappointed, really sad.. T_T
The theme song and soundtrack was great~! So, everytime Sousuke’s theme song came on before he does on the screen, it became a horror movie. -_-” LOL~ Utada Hikaru’s Prisoner of Love was written after understanding the story, so by that, it means that the focus of the drama should be the love between Ruka and Michiru right? But yeah, see how it went and crashed itself. People call it a train wreck of a drama.
The whole drama contains of characters with serious problems, it’s as if the whole society is sick.. -_-” To read the entire 1st episode, click here~
Long Vacation
11 Epi | Fuji | 1996
11 Epi | Fuji | 2008
I only watched epi 1, 2, 4 and 8~ Epi 1 had Eita. Epi 2 had Koyama Keiichiro acts as Tsunami Kota, a rookie cop.
Lotto 6 de San-oku Ni-senman En Ateta Otoko ロト6で3億2千万円当てた男
? Epi | Fuji | 2008
Love Generation
11 Epi | Fuji | 1997
Majo no Jouken 魔女の条件
11 Epi | TBS | 1999
Maou 魔王
? Epi | TBS | 2008
Meitantei Conan: Kudo Shinichi he no chosenjo 名探偵コナン- 工藤新一への挑戦状 [Detective Conan: Kudo Shinichi's Written Challenge]
1 SP | YTV/NTV | 2006 Kudo Shinichi no Fukkatsu! Kuro no Soshiki to no Taiketsu 工藤新一の復活!~黒の組織との対決 [Kudo Shinichi Returns! Showdown with the Black Organization]
1 SP | YTV/NTV | 2007
My★Boss My★Hero
10 Epi | NTV | 2006
News no Onna ニュースの女
11 Epi | Fuji | 1998
Nobuta wo Produce 野ブタをプロデュース
10 Epi | NTV | 2005
Nodame Cantabile のだめカンタービル
11 Epi | Fuji | 2006
Osen おせん
10 Epi | NTV | 2008
Otousan おとうさん
11 Epi | TBS | 2002
Oyaji オヤジぃ
11 Epi | TBS | 2000
11 Epi | Fuji | 2004
Proposal Daisakusen プロポーズ大作戦
11 Epi | Fuji | 2007
Regatta レガッタ
9 Epi | TV Asahi | 2006
Ri Kouran 李香蘭
2 Epi | TV Tokyo | 2007
11 Epi | TBS | 2008
Ryuusei no Kizuna 流星の絆
? Epi | TBS | 2008
Starts October 2008, every Friday, 10pm, please remember to watch!! ♥
I don’t know which one I saw, lol.. Coz it was on TV, so it’s sorta like I-watch-when-I-remember, lol~
Stand UP!!
11 Epi | TBS | 2003
Taiyou no Uta タイヨウのうた
10 Epi | TBS | 2006
Tatta Hitotsu no Koi たったひとつの恋
10 Epi | NTV | 2006
Teresa Ten Monogatari テレサ・テン物語
1 Epi | TV Asahi | 2007
to Heart ~ Koishite Shinitai to Heart 恋して死にたい
12 Epi | TBS | 1999
Tokkyuu Tanaka 3 Gou 特急田中3号
12 Epi | TBS | 2007
I watched the first episode and I’m gonna try watching the 2nd episode.. Just to see what’s the point of it, besides my liking for Koki, lol..
Tanaka Koki acts as a pathetic guy named Tanaka Ichirou. He’s not good in school but good in bragging. He fails at picking up girls as well. And also, he has no friends at all, nobody listens to what he says.. The thought bubble in my head says, “So poor thing.. T_T” while watching.. Anyway, it’s great that Koki finally has the chance at being the lead actor, yay! I hope my Ryo can have a lead role soon too! XD I digress~ So who’s the female lead? Kuriyama Chiaki [Meguro Terumi]. I vaguely remember seeing her in Battle Royale 1 as the girl with the hardest heart, lol.. I think that’s her~ つづく
I'm learning Japanese so my translations may not be 100% correct but they are all done by me~ ^_^ [Unless otherwise stated, lol~]
I've been translating NEWS RING Jweb faithfully since I came to know of them, I also try to make time out to translate some magazine interviews that they have done~ But I took a hiatus and will be back in March 2019!
So please don't re-post my translations anywhere else.
If you really want to, please ask me and give me the link, I will definitely look into it, thank you!!
Not only Tegoshi and NEWS, I also like others, such as Kame, Ryo, P and Jin, the rest of KAT-TUN~! XD
So, please click around and read, hehe~ ^_~ ♥
A little about me, I'm currently working on getting my BA in English with Psychology. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! ^_^ ♥
Since a lot of people asked me for URLs to -insert Johnny's boy's name here-'s "blog", I shall answer all such questions here. And I'll quote from [http://www.takizawa-hideaki.net/HT/info/]
Johnny's Web (J-Web) is a cellphone web service available only for cellphone users with a Japanese cellphone operator. This service started its operations in 12 May 2003, and it's a special web (accessible only through cellphones) that contains a lot of information regarding Johnny's artists, such as concert/activities information, limited goods pre-order, and each artists' personally written/uploaded web diaries.
Monthly fee for this service is 315 JPY (incl. tax)
This is only available if you have a credit/debit card. ================================== As this is a paid service, please do not take screen shots of the Jweb itself and post them in FB/ Twitter/ Instagram/ Tumblr/etc, it's actually against the rules and not abiding by the law. Johnny-san will get very angry. Thank you!
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