Tuesday, 11 June 2013 @ 11:12

Latest NEWS News!: NEWS 5th Album "NEWS" to be Released on 17th July 2013!

NEWSニュー・アルバム『NEWS』7月発売! DVD、ソロCD付など3形態
掲載: 2013年06月11日 11:17


初めてグループ名をタイトルにした本作は、4人組となった新生NEWSにとって初のオリジナル・アルバム。“チャンカパーナ”“WORLD QUEST”“ポコポンペコーリャ”といったヒット・シングルはもちろんのこと、ワコール〈さら肌ブラ〉のCMソングとして話題の“渚のお姉サマー”などが収録される。

アルバムは初回盤2種と通常盤の3形態が登場。初回盤Aには、NEWSのメンバーが謎の人物〈J〉から届いた「よりお互いの事を知るために、それぞれが 夢中になっている事で他のメンバーを楽しませろ」という指令を受け、1台の車に乗り込んでそれぞれの日常を体験する企画映像〈LIFE OF NEWS〉を収めたDVDが付属する。そして初回盤Bにはメンバー4人それぞれの個性を打ち出したソロ曲入りのCD、通常盤にはボーナストラック1曲を追加。いずれもファンならば必携のアイテムと言えそうだ。


NEWS New Album "NEWS" to be Released in July! Including 3 different versions with DVD, Solo CD
Published: 11 June 2013 11:17am

It has been announced that NEWS new album "NEWS" will be released on the 17th of July.

This album is the first original album of the brand new 4-person NEWS with their name as the title. Hit singles like "Chankapaana", "WORLD QUEST", "Pokoponpekorya" are included without a doubt, it will also include the much-talked-about commercial song for Wacoal's "Sara Hada Love" called "Nagisa no Onee Summer".

The album will be in three versions, two limited editions and one regular edition. Limited Edition A will include a DVD that has a video project produced with an order from a mysterious character called "J". The order from him was "In order for you to know each other better, you have to let the other members enjoy what you are into right now" and they had to go around in one car to experience daily stuff in the video which was titled "LIFE OF NEWS". In Limited Edition B, it will include a CD of solo songs that will portray the diverse personalities of the 4 of them and in the Regular Edition, there will be an addition of 1 bonus track. This is one item a fan must collect.

The two limited editions will be in box form, there will be a 16-page booklet in Limited Edition A and a 32-page booklet in Limited Edition B while the Regular Edition will have a 16-page booklet. You are encouraged to get all types!

〈NEWS 『NEWS』収録内容〉 (Contents of NEWS "NEWS")
1. タイトル未定A (Untitled A)
3. 4+FAN (読み:フォーファン) (Read: Four Fan / For Fan)
4. 渚のお姉サマー (Nagisa no Onee Summer)
5. ポコポンペコーリャ (Pokoponpekorya)
6. 恋祭り (Koi Matsuri / Love Festival)
7. Greedier
8. ベサメ・ムーチョ~狂おしいボレロ~ (Besame Mucho~ Kuruoshii Borero~ / Besame Mucho~ Crazy Bolero~)
9. チャンカパーナ (Chankapaana)
10. Dance in the dark
12. フルスイング (Full Swing)
13. CRY ※通常盤のみボーナストラック (Bonus track in Regular Edition)

【DVD】 ※初回盤Aのみ (Included in Limited Edition A)

【CD/Disc-2】 ※初回盤Bのみ (Included in Limited Edition B)
13. タイトル未定B (Untitled B) (小山ソロ)(Koyama Solo)
14. タイトル未定C (Untitled C) (加藤ソロ)(Kato Solo)
15. タイトル未定D (Untitled D) (増田ソロ)(Masuda Solo)
16. タイトル未定E (Untitled E) (手越ソロ)(Tegoshi Solo)

-- "ベサメ・ムーチョ~狂おしいボレロ" is probably referring to THIS!

-- Pre-order the Limited Edition A from YesAsia.com now!
-- Pre-order the Limited Edition B from YesAsia.com now!
-- Pre-order the Regular Edition from YesAsia.com now!

-- Pre-order the Limited Edition A from CDJAPAN now!
-- Pre-order the Limited Edition B from CDJAPAN now!
-- Pre-order the Regular Edition from CDJAPAN now!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so going to buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD I've already pre-ordered it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥ Plus, I also managed to get Tegomass' Neko Chuudoku!! ♥♥

OMG!! LOL!! Can't wait to just throw the money to Johnny-san, lol~ XD

Memorise this whole album, then hopefully, attend their concert in summer!! ♥♥♥♥


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