Tuesday 20 October 2009 @ 22:33

Yamashita Tomohisa no Nikki vol. 2213 20.10.09

山下智久の日记 vol. 2213


Today, did recording

After singing, I became very genki!

Very happy!

I'm now listening to Yamashita Tatsurou-san's songs.

Found a nice song

Once I found a good song
I will get excited!

I'm already very excited.

Awwww~~ YamaP is soooooo cute!! Ah, gomen ne! I skipped some of his nikki again, haha.. XD

ANYWAY, I've updated information [song titles and details, covers] about his single, Loveless, over at THIS page!! ^_~

I wonder if I should buy it..?! And which version?! o.O

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