Friday, 28 June 2013 @ 09:10

Nishikido Ryo's Kanjani Sentai Eito Ranger Jweb 28.6.13

∞(エイト)レンジャー 錦戸亮
26.6.13 1715h

Hisabisa ni gita— wo takusan hiitemasu!


Good evening.
It's been a while and I'm playing lots of guitar!
I will work hard!!

Haha.. Ryo-chan seems quite free nowadays.. Damn, I miss him so much! Come to Singapore again! Argh, there's haze now though.. ;_;!! Ryo, come and take me away!!


Thursday, 27 June 2013 @ 23:30

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥77- 増田貴久 Masuda Takahisa 27.6.2013



I'm Masuda Takahisa!

I received a miss call from a long-time-no-see manager-san who I used to depend on during Jr. times "What's up?" I thought, so I called back.

Me "Wa—! Long time no see How are you—?"

Mane (Manager) "Oh—, what's up?"

Me "Hmm? You called me, didn't you?"

Mane "Ah! So...rry...! Just now... I wanted to call a Jr. named Masuda—"

Me "Wao, having a party there—? laughs"

Mane "Sorry!!! Ah, I'm listening to Neko Chuudoku!!"

Me "Oh, seriously! I'm happy Thank you very much—"

...Well, we talked a bit~

It was a wrong number

Because it's with a person I depended on during my Jr. days, it's a happy thing to talk once in a while—

Me during Jr. days was skate-bound, muscular, Sara Sara haired and dance-was-bigger-than-life kinda type


The me now..., I don't slip on the skates, I slip on the talks, and muscular? And, purple-haired and the love for dance didn't change! Laughs

The fact that I was able to watch the backs of the seniors on many stages and do my learning, is still bonded in me

I guess there are places that I did change but, I think I didn't change much basically, did I?

Like the fact that I'm kind! Laughs

Well, we talked about a lot but
Today's theme is "de"!

... De?

Was... What we talked about! ( ̄▽ ̄)

Ho—w! Laughs

Ah, we're gonna have a LIVE!

Ah, we're releasing an album!

Ah, I produced the first song in the album!

Ah, I was allowed to design the costumes for the LIVE!

Ah, I'll perform that song!

We, from Tokyo to north south easy west, will send everyone messages about the good NEWS.
Derived from the 4 characters — N, E, W, S.
Via this album, we will become the direction guide for people listening to it and they will in turn become our direction guide...

I produced the first song of the new album with this meaning in it

Well, I only only talked about this and that, yeah? Laughs


-- "Direction guide" can mean a sign or etc. Is Massu trying to say that we will become each others' guide in life? Awwww~~~

Our boys kept making me cry! ;_;!

So happy that Massu made a song!! I think I will love it even before I heard it now! Lol!! I can't wait for the album to arrive!!!!!!


Thursday, 20 June 2013 @ 23:00

Nishikido Ryo's Kanjani Sentai Eito Ranger Jweb 20.6.13

∞(エイト)レンジャー 錦戸亮
15.6.13 1915h

Saikin wa dou desu ka?

Ame ni nuretemasu ka?

Kaze hikanai you ni ki wo tsukete kudasai!!


How are you recently?

Did you get wet from the rain?

Please take care so that you don't catch a cold!!

Lol.. Why did Ryo post on Saturday?! Was he going somewhere where there's no wi-fi?? I'm losing track of my Ryo-chan.. Where are you? I need to see you! Please appear in an autumn drama if you can't make it for the slew of summer drama! ;_;!

I love you, Ryo.


Wednesday, 19 June 2013 @ 23:00

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥76- 加藤シゲアキ Kato Shigeaki 19.6.2013


"Yonin de" (By the four of us)

The four of us have been together quite a lot recently.
We're seeing each others' faces a lot in meetings, album special video, pamphlet, etc.
When we don't meet, we don't see each other, but when we meet, we see a lot of each other, it's a rather fresh experience.
Meeting again in such a long time,

Ah— Massu's hair colour changed to yet another incredible colour


Koyama is so tanned—


Tegoshi didn't change— And he's being noi—sy by saying "Po—po—"

A lot of such thoughts, it's quite fun actually.

They must have a lot of such thoughts about me too.
Jeh jeh jeh

We were very agitated and everywhere last year, and I thought we're getting our act together this year but I don't think these fellas (us) can do it. Laughs

But even though talking as and when we like, the atmosphere of childishness, stubbornness is sickening, at the end of it, I still like it that way.

Though we have a lot to think about, above it all, we have time to laugh.

This is how NEWS feels like.

I guess this is something that no one except me will understand. It's a privilege, hehen.

That kind of us, are working hard towards the anticipated Live. We made the set list yesterday, it's wonderful. This Live is also a must-go and it's better you go.

Friends often ask, "What should I listen to if I go to the Live?" This time, of course, firstly, you have to listen to NEWS' "NEWS".

According to NEWS'
It is an album made for the sake of NEWS and fans.

Please definitely.

I wish for our Tour to start off with no obstacles. I wish for everyone to become happy.
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

Somehow I got serious, sorry, it's the cloudy sky's fault laughs

So today, I'm off to meet the noisy guys—!!!

Oh, Shige!! Go ahead and make me cry, why don't you?! ;_;!! I bought, I bought the album you guys made for NEWS and us, the fans!! You won't believe how touched I was when I read that sentence!! ;_;!!

I will always always support NEWS!! As long as NEWS is still together, when we turn 30, 40, 50, 60 or even 70 years old together, I will still support NEWS!! ♥♥♥♥

Friday, 14 June 2013 @ 10:00

WinkUp 2013 June - NEWS Question 10

Konnichiwa Chankapaana-tachi!! ♥♥ I've translated a piece of the regular page that NEWS has in WinkUp! June edition, sorry for choosing a one-month-late article! LOL~! Must thank our scanlation goddess, Inala, for her excellent scans and sharing spirit! ♥♥ Without further ado, let's read this page! ♥♥

Blue Box 1 (Lower right of page):

Members' Hot Photos!
NEWS' Digression

Members will take photos of members during each issues' photo shoots! This month, Koyama took pictures of the members during free time, gave them this title and what he thought of them!

Blue Box 2 (Above the photos):

I took photos of everyone's "Tegoshi desu!" pose! It is as expected of the originator!

Orange Number 3 (At the bottom):

Underlined in orange: The address you should write on your envelope if you want to ask what Massu will eat in a certain situation or ask Tego to draw something.

Underlined in purple: The e-mail address you should send your message to if you want to give a question to NEWS in NEWS Question 10.

Underlined in green: The e-mail address you should send your message to if you have any other comments for other corners.

Awwww~~ They are sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥ Tegoshi!! I like his answer to the 2nd question! Sleep together even though his girlfriend is sick! LOL! Aww!! ♥♥ STANDARD ANSWER FOR ME!! XD ♥♥ Tego, my oujisama~~ ♥♥

Maybe we should try writing in to the magazine! LOL! But I bet they get TONNES of messages everyday!! XD

I hope you enjoyed reading this page! XD

To repost, please send me a message here, or PM me in FB to ask for permission! Thank you very much for your cooperation! ♥♥

Thursday, 13 June 2013 @ 23:10

Nishikido Ryo's Kanjani Sentai Eito Ranger Jweb 13.6.13

∞(エイト)レンジャー 錦戸亮
12.6.13 2222h

Ima tomodachi to nondemasu.
Kyou wa Tacchon no eiga no ibento ni sanka shitekimashita.
Minna mite ne!!!


I'm drinking with my friends now.
I went to the event for Tacchon's movie today.
Please watch it everyone!!!

I saw the photos of Ryo attending Tacchon's movie event!! He said the female lead character was very cute! Lol!!

Looks like Ryo is back to the super-short-entries days, huh? Lol!!

♥♥ I miss Ryo.. Haven't seen anything from him at all.. ;_;!!

Oyasuminasai Chankapaana-tachi! ♥♥

Wednesday, 12 June 2013 @ 20:00

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥75- 手越祐也 Tegoshi Yuya 12.6.2013


Hello, it's Tegoshi Yuya ☆
Summer has officially arrived—! Fantastic—.
My favourite season!!
Won't it heat up faster—!!
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone since the tour had already been decided as well (^^)

Zutto issho (Together forever).
I guess.

It has a lot of meanings though.
It'd be good if I can be with everyone from now onwards too.
I entered the agency not so long ago but there are people who like me, it's been 10 years.
People who like me from the start, people who started liking me only recently, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We gave you lots of trouble but I think the bond we have with you is much deeper than other groups.
Fans, members, staff. Everyone.

I think we will probably still give you lotsa trouble from here on too.
But above that, we will make you smile. I promise.

I may be perceived as strong and always want to win but it's not always the case.
Though I accept criticism or being disliked, I would still feel hurt if the fans and staff, who are always with me, disappear from my side. I'd feel sad and lonely.

That's why I want you by my side forever.
I wish for you to be by the foremost side of NEWS, Tegomass and Tegoshi Yuya on this path that we'll walk on. Please.

First, it will be the tour in summer. Let's get it on. Let's be lovey dovey.
I'll be waiting.

To my precious little kittens.

Why suddenly so sad, my oujisama?! Make me cry only!! ;_;!!

I know the bond we have is something special. We are the ones who were there to walk through the hell that the former members put us through together. Fans who did not give up on NEWS and kept waiting. We did not give up and here we are, with our wonderful NEWS. ♥♥♥♥

Full Swing will always be the most significant song in this saga. ;_;!! Every time I think about it, I want to cry. It hurts us all. Especially the ones who were left behind. ;_;!

When I saw NEWS cry singing Full Swing during the Chankapaana comeback concert, I cried with them. Actually, I cried right from the start. I waited for them for so long and they finally appeared. The feelings were indescribable. The pain and the relief. Even till now, I'm still not sure if Johnny-san will take proper care of our dear NEWS. I hated him for even allowing the saga to happen. He didn't let NEWS put out singles frequently enough too! I hope things are looking up now. PLEASE JOHNNY-SAN!!!!!!!!!!

♥♥♥♥ NEWS FOREVER ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, 11 June 2013 @ 11:12

Latest NEWS News!: NEWS 5th Album "NEWS" to be Released on 17th July 2013!

NEWSニュー・アルバム『NEWS』7月発売! DVD、ソロCD付など3形態
掲載: 2013年06月11日 11:17


初めてグループ名をタイトルにした本作は、4人組となった新生NEWSにとって初のオリジナル・アルバム。“チャンカパーナ”“WORLD QUEST”“ポコポンペコーリャ”といったヒット・シングルはもちろんのこと、ワコール〈さら肌ブラ〉のCMソングとして話題の“渚のお姉サマー”などが収録される。

アルバムは初回盤2種と通常盤の3形態が登場。初回盤Aには、NEWSのメンバーが謎の人物〈J〉から届いた「よりお互いの事を知るために、それぞれが 夢中になっている事で他のメンバーを楽しませろ」という指令を受け、1台の車に乗り込んでそれぞれの日常を体験する企画映像〈LIFE OF NEWS〉を収めたDVDが付属する。そして初回盤Bにはメンバー4人それぞれの個性を打ち出したソロ曲入りのCD、通常盤にはボーナストラック1曲を追加。いずれもファンならば必携のアイテムと言えそうだ。


NEWS New Album "NEWS" to be Released in July! Including 3 different versions with DVD, Solo CD
Published: 11 June 2013 11:17am

It has been announced that NEWS new album "NEWS" will be released on the 17th of July.

This album is the first original album of the brand new 4-person NEWS with their name as the title. Hit singles like "Chankapaana", "WORLD QUEST", "Pokoponpekorya" are included without a doubt, it will also include the much-talked-about commercial song for Wacoal's "Sara Hada Love" called "Nagisa no Onee Summer".

The album will be in three versions, two limited editions and one regular edition. Limited Edition A will include a DVD that has a video project produced with an order from a mysterious character called "J". The order from him was "In order for you to know each other better, you have to let the other members enjoy what you are into right now" and they had to go around in one car to experience daily stuff in the video which was titled "LIFE OF NEWS". In Limited Edition B, it will include a CD of solo songs that will portray the diverse personalities of the 4 of them and in the Regular Edition, there will be an addition of 1 bonus track. This is one item a fan must collect.

The two limited editions will be in box form, there will be a 16-page booklet in Limited Edition A and a 32-page booklet in Limited Edition B while the Regular Edition will have a 16-page booklet. You are encouraged to get all types!

〈NEWS 『NEWS』収録内容〉 (Contents of NEWS "NEWS")
1. タイトル未定A (Untitled A)
3. 4+FAN (読み:フォーファン) (Read: Four Fan / For Fan)
4. 渚のお姉サマー (Nagisa no Onee Summer)
5. ポコポンペコーリャ (Pokoponpekorya)
6. 恋祭り (Koi Matsuri / Love Festival)
7. Greedier
8. ベサメ・ムーチョ~狂おしいボレロ~ (Besame Mucho~ Kuruoshii Borero~ / Besame Mucho~ Crazy Bolero~)
9. チャンカパーナ (Chankapaana)
10. Dance in the dark
12. フルスイング (Full Swing)
13. CRY ※通常盤のみボーナストラック (Bonus track in Regular Edition)

【DVD】 ※初回盤Aのみ (Included in Limited Edition A)

【CD/Disc-2】 ※初回盤Bのみ (Included in Limited Edition B)
13. タイトル未定B (Untitled B) (小山ソロ)(Koyama Solo)
14. タイトル未定C (Untitled C) (加藤ソロ)(Kato Solo)
15. タイトル未定D (Untitled D) (増田ソロ)(Masuda Solo)
16. タイトル未定E (Untitled E) (手越ソロ)(Tegoshi Solo)

-- "ベサメ・ムーチョ~狂おしいボレロ" is probably referring to THIS!

-- Pre-order the Limited Edition A from now!
-- Pre-order the Limited Edition B from now!
-- Pre-order the Regular Edition from now!

-- Pre-order the Limited Edition A from CDJAPAN now!
-- Pre-order the Limited Edition B from CDJAPAN now!
-- Pre-order the Regular Edition from CDJAPAN now!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so going to buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD I've already pre-ordered it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥ Plus, I also managed to get Tegomass' Neko Chuudoku!! ♥♥

OMG!! LOL!! Can't wait to just throw the money to Johnny-san, lol~ XD

Memorise this whole album, then hopefully, attend their concert in summer!! ♥♥♥♥


Thursday, 6 June 2013 @ 22:48

Nishikido Ryo's Kanjani Sentai Eito Ranger Jweb Entries From April Week 2 to Today UPDATED!

Konnichiwa minna!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥

I'm back again with ALL 8 OF RYO'S JWEB ENTRIES that I missed!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥

Links will open in the same new window/tab! ^_^v

Ryo's Eito Ranger Jweb 18.4.13

Ryo's Eito Ranger Jweb 25.4.13

Ryo's Eito Ranger Jweb 2.5.13

Ryo's Eito Ranger Jweb 9.5.13

Ryo's Eito Ranger Jweb 16.5.13

Ryo's Eito Ranger Jweb 23.5.13

Ryo's Eito Ranger Jweb 30.5.13

Ryo's Eito Ranger Jweb 6.6.13

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I LOVE RYO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I must confess, I love NEWS and Kanjani8 because of Ryo. But I did not stop loving NEWS even when Ryo left and went back to Kanjani8. Instead, I continued to love NEWS even more fiercely and abandoned Kanjani8! LOL! I don't know why, I followed my heart, so only my heart knows why.. ♥

The other day, I saw a Hong Kong newspaper cutout that says that Ryo is dating Gakki. I was like, "NANIKORE?! I can't believe this!"

Is it true?! ;_;! I don't really like Gakki because her acting skills is non-existent. Granted, she did pretty well in Legal High, however, I do not approve of her going out with my Ryo!! ARGH!! ;_;!

Okay, I shall just treat it as a rumour since there's no confirmation.

KEEP THE LOVE STRONG FOR RYO!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Nishikido Ryo's Kanjani Sentai Eito Ranger Jweb 6.6.13

∞(エイト)レンジャー 錦戸亮
6.6.13 2111h

Genki desu ka?
Boku wa genki desu yo.

Saikin wa sukoshi yuttari shitemasu ne.
Mero―na jikan ga nagaretemasu.

Kyou wa attakakatta.
Tsuyu iri wa ato de shuusei sarerun deshou ka?

Maa minasan no kokoro ga itsudemo haretemasu you ni.

Hai, mada tsudzukimasu.

Mou sugu 100kai Naku Koto koukai desu ne.
(Henkou machigatte tara gomennasai)

Boku wa minasan yori hitoashi osaki ni mimashita yo.



Fujii kun ga maji de suteki deshita.
Nanka Ookura kun wo hokorashiku omoemashita.

Boku tachi no nyu―shinguru Namida no Kotae (Henkou machigatte tara gomennasai) wo mou sudeni kikareta kata mo irassharu to omoimasu ga, ano endo ro―ru no naka de kiku Namida no Kotae ni kanau mono wa arimasen ne.


Minasa ni mo zehi gekijou de mite hoshii desu.

Onaji menba― ya kara moshikashi tara hiikime na bubun mo aru kamoshiremasen ga, wakaru deshou?
Itsumo kusomijikai boku ga konna ni natte utte shimau gurai suteki datta tte koto wo,,,.

Minasan to kyouyuu shitai desu.

Boku wa futsuka yoi no hiruma ni mimashita.
Namida mo zutto tarenagashi deshita.
Ooma kana arasuji wo shitte mite ita no de, kenage na futari ga itooshikute itooshikute.
Kokoro ga kitto arawaretan deshou ne.

Nani yatten datte omoimashita.
Demo, mi owatte kara souji toka ippai ganbarimashita.
Mata chirakatte kiteimasu.

Dareka ni misetaku naru you na sonna eiga desu.

Minasan mo taisetsu na hito, kazoku, dare demo iin de, gekijou he tsuppashitte kudasai!


Kenchou mo mada yatteru no kana?
Wakannai kedo sochira mo yorosuiku!


Have a nice weekend!!!


How are you?
I'm fine.

I have been relaxing recently.
I'm having a mellow time.

It was warm today.
Is it the correction after the rainy season?

Well, I hope everyone's heart is always sunny.

Yes, it's not ending yet.

It's almost the opening of Crying a Hundred Times.
(I applogise if the title is incorrect)

I watched it before everyone else.


It was good.

Fujii-kun was seriously good.
I could picture Ohkura-kun being praised.

I think there are already people who listened to our new single The Answer of Tears (I applogise if the title is incorrect), The Answer of Tears heard in the ending credits does not have *kanau mono.


I wish for everyone to watch it in the cinemas.

I guess maybe I see it in a favourable light as it's by a fellow member, you get what I mean, don't you?
It's so awesome that even I typed such a long entry when I usually have very short entries,,,.

I want to share it with everyone.

I watched it in the drunk afternoon on the 2nd.
My tears kept flowing out.
I watched it knowing the rough synopsis, the courageous couple love each other so much so much.
Our hearts will surely get purified.

What are they doing, I thought.
But, after watching it, I worked really hard on cleaning.
It's messy again.

It's that kind of movie which makes you want to show it to someone.

Please dash to the cinemas and watch it with your loved one, family or whoever!


I wonder if you have watched Prefecture?
I dunno but please also support that one!


Have a nice weekend!!!

-- "Heyheyhey!!!", "Wassup!!???", "Have a nice weekend!!!" are displays of his perfect usage of English! Lol!

-- "Kanau mono" means things/wishes that will come true or something? But I don't know what it's gotta do here!

-- "Hona" is a typo error or..?? I don't know.. Lol.. Maybe he meant "Hora" which means "See"..

Wow!! What a long entry!! XD His action speaks louder than his words. His support for Ohkura.. I hope Ohkura will be touched and cherish Ryo forever! ♥♥

Cry a Hundred Times.. I don't want.. XD I'd come out of the cinema and scare everyone! Lol!!

Ryo, I wanna watch Kenchou!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, I love it when Ryo uses perfect English!!!!!!! He's so smart!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Wednesday, 5 June 2013 @ 22:38

NEWS RING Entries From April Week 2 to Today UPDATED!


m(_ _)m

I must really apologise for my lateness! I've been really busy since starting my new job as a web designer that all I want to do after work was to go blank and get absorbed into the sofa! Weekends are always full of activities too!

Thank you for still following my blog! ♥♥ You are the best! Here, let me reciprocate by updating ALL ENTRIES I MISSED for the past 8 weeks!!

**Please forgive me if you find anything left untranslated because I really couldn't find any information on them!**
Links will open in the same new window/tab!

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥67- 17.4.2013

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥68- 24.4.2013

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥69- 1.5.2013

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥70- 8.5.2013

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥71- 15.5.2013

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥72- 22.5.2013

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥73- 29.5.2013

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥74- 5.6.2013

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I LOVE NEWS!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I wanna go to their live concert this summer! I must save money like crazy! XD I must do my part as a Chankapaana!

Oh yeah, you know what day it is tomorrow, don't you?

Yup!~ I will be posting up the 8 entries I missed from Ryo's jweb!! ♥♥

See you tomorrow! ♥

NEWS RING Jweb -RING♥74- 増田貴久 Masuda Takahisa 5.6.2013


I'm Masuda !

40 live stage plays of "Strange Fruit" ended without any hiccups

It was tiring but fun!
I'm glad I did it!
I'm glad I was asked to act in it!

I was a happy person as I was able to have the support from the wonderful cast and staff and we got along well!

I may not have done things like a troupe leader but I plan to work towards the goal of getting people to think "I'm glad to be part of this masterpiece" "I'm glad to be here".

I'm really happy that a lot of people came to watch it Happiness!!
I think there are also people who couldn't come, but your feelings...are conveyed !

I wonder if there are also a lot of people who came to watch it aren't actually used to stage plays?

Did you enjoy it?

Everyone who came
Everyone in the cast
Thank you very much

Thank you very much for the splendid experience and encounters!

So, this time... "to"

"Toriaezu" (In any case) I will rest my throat, change my mood...


The Music Station on the 7th!
I will work hard

I look forward to it( ̄ェ ̄)woof( ̄ェ ̄)
Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

Lol!! First, it's cats, now, it's dog?! XD

Congratz to our cutie pie on completing the stage play!!!!!!!!

I also look forward to the Music Station on the 7th!! ♥♥♥♥

Sunday, 2 June 2013 @ 20:26

Nishikido Ryo's Kanjani Sentai Eito Ranger Jweb 30.5.13

∞(エイト)レンジャー 錦戸亮
30.5.13 1935h



Saikin wa keime ni yasundemasu!!
Minasan mo suteki na tsuyu wo!!


Good evening!


I'm relaxing lightly recently!!
Hope everyone has a good rainy season!!

Errrr.. There's nothing good about the rainy season, Ryo-chan. Your clothes won't dry, it's humid, you have to bring an umbrella everywhere, etc............. Lol!! Ryo Ryo Ryo.. Lol!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥